Download Dell Equallogic Host Integration Tools [BETTER]
the equallogic hit kit provides functionality to:
download dell equallogic host integration tools
manage connections between equallogic storage area networks and hosts. implements a simple target discovery protocol that allows iscsi initiators to discover equallogic disks, and dynamically discover, build, and activate new target connections. equallogic hit kit manager: manages host connections to equallogic storage area networks. equallogic hit kit: manages connections between equallogic storage area networks and hosts. equallogic: replaces the equallogic management utility (equallogic manager).
in order to download the equal logics host integration tool kit (hit kit) from dell, you must have administrative access to the system. follow the dell support article to complete the download. using the same article, you can find the download links for the equallogic host integration tool kit:
the equallogic host integration tool kit (hit kit) is available for download from dell support as a standalone application or as a download bundle with the equallogic management utility (equallogic manager). the standalone equallogic hit kit is available for download through dell support as a standalone application.
while it would be convenient to have a microsoft mpio equivalent for equallogic, there is no such thing. one of the biggest differences between equallogic and microsoft mpio is that equallogic does not use ntfs on the equallogic disk. ntfs is what allows equallogic to do dynamic tiering, which is what is needed to make equallogic disk act like a hybrid disk. dell equallogic support has not yet released any documentation on how to create a new equallogic san, or if it is even possible to do this with the host integration tools. here is a link to the new documentation.